More Door work and Floor
Continuing un-glassing the doors, a week later.
Video of the other side.There is good evidence that this car was originally built correctly, painted red, with a red vinyl interior.
Below is a scrap of vinyl trim (red) atached to the original door frame. This was under the "new" floor.
Also under the new floor; a dimmer switch. This was mounted on the original floor.
I wanted to wash the mud out of the inside of the car to make it a little cleaner to work on, so I grabbed the drill and 2" hole saw. I couldn't quite figure out why it was taking so long to drill through the "new" fiberglass floor, but then -pop- I was through. I pulled the plug out of the hole saw, and, holy cow, the "new" floor is over an inch thick. It's many layers of glass and resin over about a 20 guage panel. I'll bet this floor modification, which I am removing in sections, weighs more than the entire original body. Below is the plug.
Woody says, "It might be ok now that it has doors, I'll have to nap in it for a while to be sure."
Wilson just likes the car-cover. He's still a kitten, a stray that Woody collected and decided to keep. He is named "Wilson" for the sole reason that I can go outside and call out "Willllll-sonnnn!!!" in my best Tom Hanks/Castaway voice. So, there will be cat prints all over the cars for years to come.